Beatrice Alex

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor's Fellow in Text Mining, Edinburgh Futures Institute, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures & School of Informatics

Session: Your Care, Your Future - The Role & Perception of AI in Healthcare

Dr Beatrice Alex is Senior Lecturer and Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She is the head of the Edinburgh Language Technology Group (LTG), a research and development group working in the area of natural language engineering.  She also leads the Edinburgh Clinical NLP Group. Her research focuses on text mining and natural language processing to extract information from raw text.  She's currently leading NLP work in the Advanced Care Research Centre and the AIM-CISC (Artificial Intelligence and Multimorbidity: Clustering in Individuals, Space and Clinical Context) project developing tools that can assist in predicting multimorbidity and adverse drug events to improve care in later life.  She's also leading the NLP work in the Warbler project with the aim to phenotype and analyse 1.7 mio Scottish brain imaging reports.


Sohan Seth


Ewa Luger